Image by Taco Fleur from Pixabay
Most WOD’s are good workouts but many experienced strength coaches are capable of designing routines equivalent or even better. If your desire is to vomit after a workout, I can surely design sets on the Leg Press machine alone within a 20 minute period. Most good coaches know how to do this. (Sarcasm, we really don't want to make you puke.)
High intensity routines are fairly easy to design regardless of the selection of exercises. But there is not enough consideration to that some exercises are too sophisticated for beginners. Ring Dips, Pull up, Kettlebell Snatches, Barbell Cleans, Overhead Squats are just a few of the exercises that should require specialized training. Some a lot more than others.
I compete at a high level in Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding. However, if you ask me to train for CrossFit Games, most likely I will suck. The reason why is my body weight has a disadvantage to compete in the specified categories. I'm good on performing "Linda WOD" which requires Deadlift 1.5 times body weight, Bench Press your body weight and Clean 75% of your body weight. On the other hand, “Isabel” requires a Barbell Snatch 135 pounds for 30 reps. Weighing 136-148 lbs most of my adult hood, you are asking me to Snatch an amount nearly my weight for 30 reps. Even when a down-scaled variation is provided, it still doesn’t provide fair play to most. To be competitive at the CrossFit games, you'll need to match the ideal athlete characteristics of what they have chosen.