15 Sec demo. Video hides at the end.

Athena - Artemis - Hermes - Prometheus - Apollo - Themis - Hyperion
We wanted to create a series of routines ideal for the busy person. It had to require less equipment so it can be performed at home or outside of the gym.    A unique collection of exercises was necessary to provide kinetic versatility. Each workout emphasizes a specific group of muscles. Also these workouts needed a level up progression from workout to workout.  

All you need: Exercise area, workout mat, camera device, set of resistance bands and dumbbells (2 to 3 pairs min).   

Introducing The Force 50!

7 uniquely structured HIIT circuits. While all routines were designed for maximal caloric burn, each focuses on a specific fitness category.  For example workout "Athena" focuses on building a strength foundation while "Hermes" emphasizes speed and power. Workout "Themis" integrates strength combined with balance.  

All Levels of Fitness - Coach Guidance Suggested

There is a vast variety of movements in this collection that even some seasoned athletes may find a few difficult to perform.  Therefore we highly suggest this program is guided by a qualified EfitX Coach.  Coaches will have the ability to modify any exercise to make them more suitable or optimized for each participant. If you would like to become a coach for free please contact John at sweatstudio@gmail.com



was known for battle strategies and warfare

Focus: This routine focuses on building a strength foundation.  
Equipment Needed: Resistance Bands, Bench, Stool or  Street Curb.
Type: Full Body Circuit, Strength Training
Description: 7 Exercises, 3 Rounds, minimal rests


was known to be a hunter but also the care giver of animals

Focus: This routine focuses on agility, torso and core strength.
Equipment Needed: Resistance Bands, Dumbbells
Type: Full Body Circuit, Endurance and Agility
Description: 7 Exercises, 3 Rounds, minimal rests


was clever, witty and mischievous, but also known for speed.  Hermes Roman`s name is Mercury.

Focus: This routine focuses on speed and power
Equipment Needed: Resistance Bands, Dumbbells
Type: Full Body Circuit, Reactive and Movement Speed
Description: 7 Exercises, 3 Rounds, minimal rests


was the maker of man.  He gave man fire but was later punished by Zeus. He was restrained and an eagle would eat his liver.  Although his body healed everyday, the eagle would return each day just to eat his guts all over again.

Focus: This routine focuses on abs and core, but includes power, strength and balance. 
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells
Type: Full Body Circuit, Endurance, Strength
Description: 7 Exercises, 3 Rounds, minimal rests


was the god of music, poetry, light, prophecy, and medicine. 

Focus: This routine focuses on legs and strength of directional movements
Equipment Needed: Resistance Bands
Type: Full Body Circuit, Combination movements
Description: 7 Exercises, 3 Rounds, minimal rests


was known for fairness, law and order.  She is symbolized as the balanced god of mythology.

Focus: This routine focuses on strength integrated with balance
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells
Type: Full Body Circuit, Strength, Core, Balance
Description: 7 Exercises, 3 Rounds, minimal rests


was the Titan who observed the sun, moon and the stars. He was one of the 12 major Titans.

Focus: This routine focuses on dynamic strength and power
Equipment Needed: Resistance Bands, Dumbbells
Type: Full Body Circuit, strength and power
Description: 7 Exercises, 3 Rounds, minimal rests

We will find a coach to guide you either online or in person (Bay Area, CA). This program is new so we only have a limited amount of coaches! The video call programs used are shown below.


  • Six Week Beginners - Online/In Person $500
  • Six Week Intermediates - Online/In Person $250
The six week program suggests to schedule three 30 minutes sessions per week for a total of 6 weeks. 18 sessions of workouts 2 sessions for evaluations. (20 sessions, 30 minutes each)

The six week program for intermediates participants are required an evaluation to be determined for qualifications. This program entails meeting with your coach online or in person one to two times per week in a 30 minute session. Participants will be assigned a third workout they must perform on their own with virtual guidance. (10 sessions, 30 minutes each)

All sessions are scheduled with your assigned coach. A PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionaire) and fitness assessment is required to be performed prior to the participation of the Force 50 program. In-Person sessions are limited. All In-Person sessions are to meet at either client's residence, house or meeting at a park. A backyard may be appropriate as well. All these conditions and arrangements may vary based on your coach.




Video Calls are coordinated with the above applications.


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